Checkered Keel Back Female.
The body of the Checkered Keel Back snake is short, cylindrical and has a clear neck. Its head is slightly pointed. The eyes consist of round pupils. Nostrils are narrow, directed slightly upwards. The tail is long. The female is longer in length than a male.
These snakes are found in various colours. Most are common having dorsally shiny olive-brown, yellow, brown or grey body. Black irregular spots are arranged in 5-6 rows along the body. The checkered pattern is more obvious in species found in down south of India. They may have a red or pink border. Posterior body spots are unclear. The head is olive brown in colour. 2 black strips run behind eyes to the upper lip and from postoculars to edge of the mouth. Neck consists of a black ring. Ventral body is yellow or white. Mid body is consisting of 19 rows of scales. Dorsal scales are strongly keeled.


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