Red Throated Flycatcher
The Red-breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) is a small passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family. It breeds in Eastern Europe and across central Asia and is migratory, wintering in south Asia. It is a regular passage migrant in Western Europe, whereas the Collared Flycatcher which breeds further west is rare. This is because of the different migration direction. The breeding male of this small 11–12 cm long flycatcher is mainly brown above and white below, with a grey head and orange throat. The bill is black and has the broad but pointed shape typical of aerial insectivores. As well as taking insects in flight, this species hunts caterpillars amongst the oak foliage, and will take berries. The base of the outer tail feather is white and the tail is often flicked upwards as they perch looking out for insect prey which are caught on the wing or sometimes from the ground. In winter they are mostly silent but have a typical chip-chip-chr-rrr flycatcher call. In their breeding season, the song consists of melodious whistles, like that of the Pied Flycatcher.


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