
Showing posts from 2011
Asian Koel Male The Asian Koel is a large, long-tailed, cuckoo measuring 39–46 cm (15–18 in) and weighing 190–327 g .The male of the nominate race is glossy bluish-black, with a pale greenish grey bill, the iris is crimson, and it has grey legs and feet. The female of the nominate race is brownish on the crown and has refocus streaks on the head. The back, rump and wing coverts are dark brown with white and buff spots. The under parts are whitish, but is heavily striped. The other subspecies differ in coloration and size. The upper plumage of young birds is more like that of the male and they have a black beak. Song of male, India They are very vocal during the breeding season (March to August in South Asia), with a range of different calls. The familiar song of the male is a repeated koo-Ooo. The female makes a shrill kik-kik-kik... call. Calls vary across populations. You are  lucky  Dear koel male, At least some one listen to you & reply.
Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of the character, though few can decypher even fragments of their meaning.
Russell Pit Viper
Russell Pit Viper
Russell Viper This snake can grow to a maximum length of 166 cm (5.5 ft.) and averages about 120 cm (4 ft.) on mainland Asian populations, although island populations do not attain this size. The head is flattened, triangular and distinct from the neck. The snout is blunt, rounded and raised. The nostrils are large, The supranasal has a strong crescent shape and separates the nasal from the nasorostral anteriorly. The rostral is as broad as it is high. The color pattern consists of a deep yellow, tan or brown ground color, with three series of dark brown spots that run the length of its body. Each of these spots has a black ring around it, the outer border of which is intensified with a rim of white or yellow. The dorsal spots, which usually number 23–30, may grow together, while the side spots may break apart. The head has a pair of distinct dark patches, one on each temple, together with a pinkish, salmon or brownish V or X pattern that forms an...
Indian king cobra The skin of this snake is olive-green, tan, or black, and it has faint, pale yellow cross bands down the length of the body. The belly is cream or pale yellow, and the scales are smooth. Juveniles are shiny black with narrow yellow bands (can be mistaken for a banded krait, but readily identified with its expanded hood). The head of a mature snake can be quite massive and bulky in appearance, though like all snakes, they can expand their jaws to swallow large prey items; it has two short, fixed fangs in the front of the mouth which channel venom into the prey like hypodermic needles. The male is larger and thicker than the female. The average lifespan of a wild king cobra is about 20 years. 
The Indian Spotted Eagle is about 60 cm in length and has a wingspan of 150 cm. It is broad-headed, with the widest mouth of all spotted eagles. This species has a lighter coloration overall compared to its relatives, with a darker iris that makes the eyes appear darker than the plumage (rather than the other way around as in the northern spotted eagles). Adults can be told apart from the Greater Spotted Eagle by its lighter color, darker eyes, and habitat preferences .After about three or four months the young birds are glossy brown with the tips of the head and neck feathers being creamy and giving a spotted appearance. The upper tail coverts are light brown with white giving a barred appearance. The median coverts have large creamy spots. After about eighteen months the bird mounts and becomes a darker shade and has less spots. Some older juveniles, unlike the lesser and Greater species, are not strongly spotted at all, making the common name somewhat misleading,...
A committee is organic rather than mechanical in its nature: it is not a structure but a plant. It takes root and grows, it flowers, wilts, and dies, scattering the seed from which other committees will bloom in their turn.
A radical generally meant a man who thought he could somehow pull up the root without affecting the flower. A conservative generally meant a man who wanted to conserve everything except his own reason for conserving anything.
Red Throated flycatcher M sparrow 13 cm. Male has chin throat and breast orange-chestnut. Female & young male ashy fulvous. Underpants white. White patches on basal half of back tail diagnostic. Groves forest groves gardens with large tree. 
Vine Snake The green vine snake is diurnal and mildly venomous. The reptile normally feeds on frogs and lizards using its binocular vision to hunt. They are slow moving, relying on camouflaging as a vine in foliage. The snake expands its body when disturbed to show a black and white scale marking. Also, they may open their mouth in threat display and point their head in the direction of the perceived threat. There is a widespread myth in parts of southern India, that the species uses its pointed head to blind its human victims. The species is viviparous, giving birth to young that grow within the body of the mother, enclosed within the egg membrane.
Common sand-piper The adult is 18–20 cm long with a 32–35 cm wingspan. It has greyish-brown upper parts, white lower part, short dark-yellowish legs and feet, and a bill with a pale base and dark tip. In winter plumage, they are duller and have more conspicuous barring on the wings, though this is still only visible at close range. Juveniles are more heavily barred above and have buff edges to the wing feathers. Really Beautiful bird 
Checkered Keel Back Female. The body of the Checkered Keel Back snake is short, cylindrical and has a clear neck. Its head is slightly pointed. The eyes consist of round pupils. Nostrils are narrow, directed slightly upwards. The tail is long. The female is longer in length than a male. Color/Texture These snakes are found in various colours. Most are common having dorsally shiny olive-brown, yellow, brown or grey body. Black irregular spots are arranged in 5-6 rows along the body. The checkered pattern is more obvious in species found in down south of India. They may have a red or pink border. Posterior body spots are unclear. The head is olive brown in colour. 2 black strips run behind eyes to the upper lip and from postoculars to edge of the mouth. Neck consists of a black ring. Ventral body is yellow or white. Mid body is consisting of 19 rows of scales. Dorsal scales are strongly keeled.
This snap makes me so emotional. I don’t know why? So some lines from my heart came out…. तुफानो से डर के भागता रहा मै पर जब भी रुका खुदको बदलो से घिरा पाया | है रोशनी कोसो दूर मुजसे देखाजबभी खुदको ख्वाबो मै दफ़न पाया |  चाहा जिसे भी दिल से उसे अपने आप से बहुत दूर पाया | जिंदगी मे पाने कि चाहत मे जिंदगी को कम पाया| खोने कि आदत ने हमे ज़माने से जुदा पाया |
Can I take rest now? J J J 
Grass Snake Male I have no venom to kill. I hunt frog, eggs, small bird’s to full fill my hunger. I grow up to 1 meter. I like to live in grass or in green surrounding. As you can see my home-ground in snap. I introduce myself to you.  I hope you will remember me & introduce yourself next time when we meet. We will have good hangout in grass. See you till then. 
Eye contact with venomous beauty Full grown King cobra showing her beautiful eyes & stature.
Prince King Cobra I am Baby but I can kill you stay away from me!!! Now I am only 5 cm in length but One day I will become a true king & rule the world.
Trinket Snake Hey I am in hunting mood, do not disturb. Else Hisssss !!!!
Trinket Snake Female Lovely snake, We can see full body color.
Trinket Snake Male attack position This is the common snake found in India. Coelognathus helenus, is a non-venomous constrictor species of cloubrid snake. Lovely snake, Please admire his beauty.
We talk about love many times. Do we know what love is? But we can learn love from Mother Nature. She only give love, blessing, care to us and don’t want anything in return. Love requires sacrifice & sacrifice is true love.
Common rat-snake. I don’t have venom to kill you, still many people kill me. I don’t know why? I request you to please save snake. Snakes are good for mankind.
Why this men doing this all? Only for fishes! I think this question is not important. But important question is for whom he is doing this all. We do our day to day works with no passion & lose interest. But we have to remember for whom we are doing this. This question we recall our passion & interest & we will do our job so nicely no one can gainsay.
Rain makes nature happy & cheerful. All thinks are back to life, so do I. & can’t stop my hand to pen-down some thing. बारिश कि बुँदे मद्धम हवा और तु आई | खामोश निगाहो ने तुम्हारे ना जाने कितने सपने सजाये टिन कि छत पर बूंदों ने भी तुम्हारे संग सारे सुर लगये | दिल कि धडकनों ने भी अपने जज्बातओ के कई रंगों दिखलाये | ठंडी हवा ने होले से तेरी ज़ुल्फ़ उड़ाई | मेरी सासों कि तड़प से तू मुस्करायी प्यार के इस एहसास मे सारा समां तर था | कि तभी बदलो ने अपनी तलवार चलाई मैंने अपनी पलके ज़पकाई और चारो तरफ अपनी नजर दोडाई | | पर वहा थी सिर्फ मेरी तनहाई ! सिर्फ तनहाई !!!!
If you are the person who see things only from eyes, then you are the one how can fool easily. Movements are not that lovely or sad "always" take a look from your inner eyes it will clear your current picture .
“Bird name: Ashy prinia” Lovely small bird. Small does not make any difference. We have fight to survive .
“Bird name: Common House Sparrow” We see things daily so we lose charm of it, but things are still so beautiful. Look & observe the beauty.
“Lovely moon” Closer look gives you a bad impression. But we have to see good things. Always see light it will help you to stay away from the darkness .
“Bend in the road is not end of the road, unless you fail to take turn” Path always leads you to destiny, believe in yourself & don’t lose hope. Believe & hope are the greatest strength & weakness of mankind. Use it wisely.
From “Marbles” we can see world in different angles. We can change marbles, if we want to change angle. In real life we cant. We have to leave life as it is. But at least we can try to change our life to get perfect angle & color as we want. At the time of shooting, I am trying to realize what I am going to change?

Beauty Should be Appreciated

Pink is a color of beauty & if this color shown in flower, then it will be the most beautiful thing in the world. Beauty is only can be estimable if you try to touch it will disappear like air, but it will give you dream to think & realize what you did wrong.
Saw a lovely scene from my window, can’t stop me to click & I dream about her if she in my life……. शाम का नशा अभी और हें बाकि रात होने को अभी सब्र नही बाकि | रोते हुवे आप को और याद करे गे, जीदगी अभी और हें बाकि | आप हमको मिल जाओ गे कभी, बस येही जदोजहत हें बाकि | जीने कि हसरतअभी और हें मुजमे, इम्तिहान अभी बहुत हें देने बाकि| जलाई हें आग हम ने भी अपने दिल मे , बेईक्तियारी का सबक लेना हें बाकि| बाकि अभी बहुत कुछ हें, बसआप का तस्वुर हो ना हें बाकि|
Rufous tailed finch lark. Lovely Eye contact with the bird & she has perfect camouflage. But only thing is beautiful eyes, try to say something. Have a closer look.
Beautiful flower & his beauty. खोईश हें कि आप रहो मेरी जिंदगी मे खुश्बुओ कि तरह हमेशा , मै भी बरसाता रहू शबर इसी तरह हमेशा | कहते हें खोईशओ का कोई एक्तियर नही होता , होते तो हें ये बहुत पर साकार कोई नही होता | लगती हें चोट बहुत गहरी , होश मे आने के बाद जब कोई साथ नही होता | रहते हें हम इन फूलो कि तरह , जिनका शाम के बाद नामोनिशान नही हो ता |
Wild flower showing his beauty to the world, & really they are very beautiful. Hope you all can see the real beauty of the flower in this snap.

Life & happiness

Blue sky at the time of sun-rise. Looks so beautiful & fresh. At this time we say this is life & happiness. Hope It will stay in our life for ever.