
Showing posts from 2012

Hook-nosed Sea Snake

These snakes are generally found in the coast and coastal islands of India. They are amongst the most common of the 20 kinds of sea snakes found in that region. They are active both during the day and at night. They are able to dive up to 100 m and stay underwater for a maximum of five hours before resurfacing. Sea snakes are equipped with glands to eliminate excess salt. They are venomous and notably aggressive, with some herpetologists describing them as "cantankerous and savage". The venom of this species is made up of highly potent neurotoxins and myotoxins. This widespread species is responsible for the vast majority of deaths from sea snake bites .

Short Sea Snake - 2


Short sea snake

Short sea snake ( Lapemis curtus) we don’t have much information about this snake. But one think is  sure all sea snake are highly venomous. This is one of them. So just chill and enjoy the snap.  


Different people have different duties assigned them by Nature. Nature has given one the power or the desire to do so. Only thing we need to remember one basic rule that “we are different but we have to live together forever”


Water, whether still or in motion, has so great an attraction for the lover of nature, that the most beautiful landscape seems scarcely complete without it. There are no effects so fascinating as those produced by the reflections in nature’s living mirror, with their delicacy of form, ever fleeting and changing, and their subtle combinations of color.


Morning is not only Sun Rise, but it is a beautiful miracle of Nature. That defeats Darkness, and spreads Light, Love and prosperity. I want to spread these thing with you from this snap.